Thursday, September 1, 2016

This is the Beginning.

The winds of change are starting to swirl, so I thought it might be high time I start recording some of this metamorphic activity. I mean, that's what we do now, right? Every thought, every experience, every fancy, every tiny, little thing is the singular most important event,  worthy of intense documentation, because everyone should know every detail of our life experiences...

I actually believe that this little stuff IS amazing. And the idea that we can share all of these parts of ourselves with total strangers living half a world away is actually kind of phenomenal, when you think about it. These parts of each of us are such beautiful things - Our uniqueness is what makes this world so magical. And our sameness makes me feel not-alone.

And right now, all of my small things are on the cusp of major transformation. I've managed to trek my way through life in a very determined way, but I've always known that there was something more out there - That I am meant for some kind of crazy adventure, and every bit of my journey so far has been preparing me for what lies ahead. If you know me, you know my story. You know that the last decade or so has been fairly challenging for me. And for these challenges, I am grateful. I am grateful that I have trudged through adversity in the best ways I've known how. I am thankful for the inner strength instilled inside of me by the generations of incredible women who preceded me. Because now, I am ready. I am ready to tap in to that fire in my core and use it to push me over the ledge in to the unknown. I am ready to change everything about my entire existence.

Someone once described this one perfect moment in this chrysalis stage of a butterfly's metamorphosis in a way that really resonated with me: That moment when the creature inside the warm little cocoon is no longer a hairy, bumpy caterpillar, but also not yet a glorious winged beast, either. If you slice open the cocoon at this precise instant, "caterpillar soup" will ooze out. That's exactly where my life is right now. I am in that moment - that singular, precise instant - where enough of me has already started to change, but I have miles ahead of me to go. I am preparing to leave my old identity behind and become a new me. I am oozy, wonderful, glorious caterpillar soup.


  1. I'm a have my art guy do a caterpillar crawling out of steaming water for your logo.
